Successfully completed DCC get ^1 (^2 Bytes) with ^3 Unknown DCC command: ^1 No DCC SEND offered from ^1 You must supply a nick for DCC SEND You must supply type and nick for DCC CLOSE DCC ^1 to ^2 closed No DCC ^1 connection to ^2 DCC ^1 request from ^2 (^3) DCC collision for ^1 request from ^2 Requesting DCC ^1 connection with ^2 You must supply a nick for DCC GET DCC ^1 connection with ^2 exists already Nickname needed for DCC CHAT Target of DCC must be client Completed DCC SEND to ^1 Failed to create DCC Connection to ^1 Closed DCC Connection to ^1 Closing DCC Connection to ^1 Failed to open DCC Connection to ^1 Lost DCC Connection to ^1 (file read error) Lost DCC Connection to ^1 (file write error) Lost DCC Connection to ^1 Lost DCC Connection to ^1 (no Acknowledge) Lost DCC Connection to ^1 (bogus Acknowledge) Lost DCC Connection to ^1 (read error) Lost DCC Connection to ^1 (send error)